Harvey Boys vs. Girls (Full Episode) | Celebrity Family Feud
Full episode throwback! It’s Harvey vs. Harvey on Celebrity Family Feud!
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Original air date: June 25, 2017.
00:00 Introduction - All in the family! Marjorie Harvey and the Harvey boys take on the other women in Steve’s life.
01:15 Round #1 - Steve’s mother-in-law, Doris vs. Steve’s wife, Marjorie. “Pool boy” answer creates major drama!
04:51 Round #2 - The kids take over! Brandi vs. Broderick. Name a part of a woman that moves when she walks in a sexy way.
09:41 Round #3 - Lori vs. Jason. Name something you’d hate for your wife to catch you in.
14:29 Round #4 - Morgan vs. Kareem. Some women have hot bodies, but the women you meet have hot what?
19:55 Fast Money - Marjorie puts up 163 points. Then this.